Hi all! I've been away from the blog for awhile but I'm finally done with school and have a week off of work coming up. So I'll have plenty of time to catch up on blogging :)
Alright, so I'm going to try my best to do this recap in sort of chronological order! First thing first, we got the tree up right after Thanksgiving. It's tradition to do it the day after Thanksgiving while we watch Elf. I've seen that movie dozens of times and it still cracks me up every time!
I also started the She Reads Truth (it's an app) Advent plan this season! It began in December and then there's a scripture reading every day leading up until Christmas.
Also, I got my hands on this jar of peanut butter and my life has just never been the same again.
I put it on everything. Every. Thing. That's a dark chocolate Justin's peanut butter cup topped off in the best way possible!
Last week my church participated in the annual choir walk and my aunt was in charge of refreshments so we were baking cookies like crazy! I enlisted the help of my mom for a little occupational therapy :) I also bribed her with cookie dough too haha!
This little goober turned 2 on the 13th! I can't believe how much she's growing up (I know, I know I sound like a parent with their first kid) but seriously where does the time go?! I was saying to Amanda how I can really tell she's grown up a lot more. She's definitely on her way out of adolescence which I'm not sorry about that ha! I think it's common knowledge in the dog world that adolescence is the most difficult stage of raising a dog. I'm happy to say that the past two years of consistency is paying off nicely! P.s. she was totally thrilled about the snap chat as her face shows..
I recently mastered the art of adding egg whites to my oatmeal and the texture/volume is out of this world! It's my new post-workout obsession. I'm going to be posting separately about the new recipes I've been making because I don't want to make this recap any longer than it already is!
And speaking of other new obsessions, I've been making my usual
tortizzas with
Flatout wraps and they're by far the best wrap I've ever used for them! The bottom gets nice and crispy without getting soggy so I can easily load up the toppings and not worry about the wrap collapsing when I go to pick up a piece of tortizza. Pictured on this tortizza is a plain Flatout wrap topped with pesto, shaved brussel sprouts (pre-packaged at Trader Joe's), acorn squash, and mozzarella cheese. I've literally made so many versions of this over the past couple weeks so I'll post those soon as well!

The amazingly sweet Rachael Miner over at
The Simple Life sent me a Christmas package and this book was included. I LOVE IT. Although for me it should be called Coffee With Jesus since that's when I read it haha! But really, I love it. It's amazing to me how God works in His ways because I was just talking about how I want to find the Lord in every day and guys THAT'S ON THE FRONT COVER! ("Discover His Presence Every Day"). As soon as I opened the book I knew it was going to be just what I need and I can't even begin to explain how God has blessed me with Rachael's friendship. I thought it was cool because as she was reading it, I was on her heart and it turned out to be just the book I need right now!

Okay, we're getting to the end since we're up until yesterday now! Megan was in town and since I haven't seen her since my trip to Connecticut back in May, I was so excited to be able to catch up in person! We went to
Burgatory which is an insane burger place with THE best burgers and milkshakes ever. It's a dangerous combination! I always do the build-your-own-burger with elk as the meat since it's my favorite. People ask me what it's like and if you've ever had bison (I know this isn't helpful if you haven't) but it's a lot like bison but I personally think it's better. It's a very tender meat and not at all game-y like deer can be. I got my burger medium-rare and it actually came out on the rarer side which I was happy about! It seriously is so tender that it melts in your mouth like buttaaaa. I got mine topped with arugula, tomatoes, organic field greens, dill pickles, and this delicious garlic shallot aioli. As it's the holidays and memories over macros, I've been loosely tracking whenever necessary!

So two last things that I will be posting the recipes as soon as I can: white chocolate peppermint bark and Christmas crack! Amanda and I are going the homemade route for the family this year so we're making all kinds of goodies for everyone. Margot came over the other day to help us out and it was a lot of fun! She's home until like the end of January which I could not be more thrilled about and we plan on having lots and lots of baking adventures.
Phew so that's the end of probably the longest blog post I've ever done haha! It might've seemed to be longer to me, though, since Layla decided that an hour straight of computer time was unacceptable and kept bringing me toys to play with her. And, yes, I did play with her because I mean have you seen her face?! She's lucky she's pretty darn cute.
Anyway, I'll work on getting these two recipes along with the egg-white oatmeal and torizza ideas! Another post I was thinking about doing is a week's worth of workouts so if you'd like to see that just shoot me an email :)