Sunday was a lazy day where I spent most of the time at my aunt's house. Me and my cousin Ben had some baking plans since we were trying to recreate these really good dinner rolls that were at our church's dinner a couple weeks ago. I gave him the mission of finding a recipe while I was away in Connecticut, and he did not disappoint!
In the morning after church, I walked back to my house to pick up Layla since she loves going to my aunt's house too! Two major reasons: to see her older half-sister Lola, and my younger twin cousins. Layla LOVES them. The three of them will just run around and play all day long!
Before lunch, we all sat out on the back deck since it was sunny and warm. We were trying to catch some sun rays and get a tan going on. Amanda was teasing me and saying that I'm so pale the light was reflecting off my legs and blinding them all. I wish I could say that was an exaggeration but...sadly it really isn't haha!
This was so cute that I had to take pictures! My cousin Elise got out some dog treats and wanted to practice tricks with Layla and Lola. She would take turns with having them do stuff, and even when it wasn't their turn both of them would be doing the trick in the background too! Layla was very good at behaving and would patiently wait for it to be her turn, I'm always so proud of how well she does with little kids. I'm very thankful that she's been exposed to my younger cousins since she was a puppy because that helped her to socialize with people of all ages. True to their golden retriever nature, both Lola and Layla are great family dogs!
Elise definitely got the crazy dog lady gene too haha!
We had some ice water out for Lola and Layla so they wouldn't overheat. There was plenty of shade under the umbrella but they both still needed a lot of water since it was hot, hot, hot! Layla, being the little weirdo that she is, decided to go bobbing for ice cubes.
She was not happy until she took out every single ice cube from the bowl and then just laid on them haha! It's a smart way to cool down, but also very entertaining to watch her get them all out. Lola just kinda watched her do it with a look that clearly said "this is one of those times where I'm not gonna admit we're related". Lola is now six so she's not in to the puppy shenanigans anymore.
In the afternoon, Ben and I had the house to ourselves which meant two things: secretly making sugar cookie dough and a dance party! We made the rolls, too which I'll share that recipe since they turned out fantastic! We panicked at first because we couldn't find the cookie recipe, but then I remembered it was at my house and had Amanda send me a picture. For some reason, we can't find it online so I included the picture on here (and I was slightly too lazy to type it up separately haaa). Ben and I halved this since we were only interested in the dough!

The full story is a couple years ago we found this recipe in a Cooking Light magazine and we decided to make it. Well, we didn't read the whole recipe and when we got to the part where you have to freeze the dough for 3-6 hours we said to ourselves "ain't nobody got time for that" and just ate the cookie dough! Yeah I know there's all those warnings about not eating raw cookie dough but I'm pretty sure those people are just trying to stop me from living my life haha!
The funny thing is we were watching the twins at the time, and they were really interested in what we were doing in the kitchen but we didn't want to share the dough with anyone so we kept making up excuses and putting the tv on to keep them busy! We only ever told the rest of the family that we made them until after we ate all the cookie dough. So for old time's sake we decided to make the sugar cookie dough and it was just as good as we remember! We froze the rest of the dough and hid it to keep it safe for another time...

The rolls were super easy to make and absolutely delicious! Even better than the ones that were at the church dinner. We ended up picking this
recipe from
Life Made Simple since there was hardly any rising time, only 25 minutes, and took about 20 minutes to bake. To pass the time, we had a dance party! We played Just Dance on the Wii which is always a fun game. We get a little competitive haha but I kicked his butt! We both worked up a sweat and it was a fun way to get moving. It always surprises me just how much you can workout while playing a dancing game like that because you don't realize it since you're too busy having so much fun!
Overall, it was a fun and successful day of baking, and I'll definitely be making these rolls again!