Thursday, April 28, 2016

30 Minute Total Body Workout: Mix of Weights & HIIT

Good morning! I have a new workout coming your way. It's been awhile since I've done any type of circuit work but I've been put out of lifting the past week. My sciatic nerve on my right side began acting up and it is quite literally a huge pain in the butt haha! There is a sciatic nerve branching down on your right leg and also one on your left leg from the lower back. Basically, it serves to connect the nervous system with the muscles in your leg. Sciatica is also very common as it's a very sensitive nerve.

Anyway, when it first started I could hardly bend down or lift my right leg up towards my chest without severe shooting pain down my butt. I had no idea what it was but I knew that it'd be plain dumb to go squat that morning like what was programmed. After talking with some friends, they explained it was sciatica and gave me some home remedies: massage it with a tennis ball, rest, and apply some heat if I wanted.

I've been taking it easy since last Thursday but that has not been easy for me! Lots of walking helps, though, so I've been doing a combination of some treadmill incline walking plus taking Layla for her daily walks. Things were definitely on the mend and this morning I finally woke up without pain! I didn't want to push my luck and lift just yet so I put together a little circuit to see how my body would handle it. When I first did the burpees, I had some slight twinges but it wasn't anything serious and once my body got going I felt just fine. I even felt better after I was done working out! I made sure to heavily massage the nerve both before and after working out. I'll also put some heat on it later when I get home just in case. I still don't have any pain but I don't want to mess this up!

Okay so enough about my nerve pains haha! Here's my workout from this morning:

20 kettlebell swings
10 lateral raises
10 burpees
20 pulsing goblet squats
50 russian twists
30 walking lunges
sprint stairs 5x
20 frog stair hops
run ladder drills 10x
10 push-ups
20 lying leg raises
20 cross body curls
20 jumping lunges
1 minute shuffle drill
21 bicep curls (7 bottom half -7 top half-7 full reps)
20 plank jacks

For the pulsing goblet squats, I did one full rep then came up for a half rep (keeping the tension) and then went back down. One full rep plus one half rep equals one!

If you don't know what the frog stair hops are here is a video where she explains them. Fast forward to about halfway through. These are a killer burn! If you don't have stairs then you can just sub in jump squats or something similar. Also, for the stair sprints my staircase is about 15 stairs just for reference of how many I did.

For the ladder drills, if you don't have an actual rope ladder then you can always lay done some sort of resistance band or jump rope to guide you or you can just pretend like I've done haha! It's just about doing an agility exercise to move your feet and getting your heart rate up. I do the length of my living room back and forth for a total of 10 times.

The shuffle drills you do standing in place and do just what it sounds like: shuffle your feet. You'll see football players doing this drill a lot where they'll stand in place and shuffle their feet as quickly as possible. Here's a video of what that looks like but just take out the burpee!

The whole thing took me 30 minutes exactly. I did two full rounds and each took me 15 minutes. Of course you can always add in more rounds if you want! If you try it out, let me know what you think!

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