Monday, September 28, 2015

5-miler & Avocado Toast

Good morning! Fun fact but this is the first real Monday I've had since starting school because I usually have Mondays off with my classes being in the evening. So I actually have to go to work today and be an adult but that just means I get to switch around my other days! I also have both nights of classes off this week which is a welcome treat. 

Now I just need to convince my mom and sister to role-play for me to complete an assignment since our class isn't meeting in person...

Over the weekend, I did one of my first "long runs" in awhile which I was really excited about! After being put out of the running for my marathon last spring due to a foot injury, I'm happy to be back pain-free. Well, at least for now. I hope it doesn't come back because I really, really, really want to register for the marathon again but I don't want to jump the gun. I'm going to keep testing it out for a few more weeks before I make any decisions. If it's feeling alright, though, at the very least I'm signing up for the half. 

5 miles is much shorter than my typical long runs, but hey it's a start! I took it nice and easy but was surprised that I was under 10 minutes. 

When I got back, I refueled with one of my new obsessions: avocado toast. I've made this plenty of times before but then forgot about how much I loved it. I picked up a bag of avocados at Trader Joe's this past week (they have by far the best price on avocados I've found) so I've been making this a lot lately! 

All you do is while the bread is doing it's toasty-thing, you mash up the avocado and I like to season it with some salt and pepper. You could also do a sweeter route and add some fresh fruit on top! I haven't tried it yet but I think that would taste delicious. 

I had mine with a side of turkey bacon for some protein. This coming weekend, I'm going to aim for 6 miles, and fingers crossed it goes well! 

Hope you all have a productive Monday! 

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