Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Favorites #8

So as I was writing this post this morning I realized that a lot of my favorites this week have to do with food...hahaha whoops! Well can you technically blame me since I've found a ton of new options that I love?! Or maybe it just shows where my heart truly is? Like in the pantry...

1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Coffee Creamer

Now there's an alliteration for ya! Try saying that one ten times fast (I might have). I saw this at Target the other day and got really excited when I found it. The lady next to me also looking at coffee creamers gave me a look that quite plainly meant she thought I was clearly way too excited about coffee creamer. Oh well it's the little things in life, and it doesn't take very much to make my day! 

2. Plant Protein Powder

I'm on a roll with the alliterations! I 'alliterally' did not mean to do it twice in a row. Ah man, can you tell it's been a long week for me?! But Amanda found this plant protein powder at Sam's Club, which has been stepping up its game recently! She also found a gluten-free flour that's been great if anyone out there was on the look for a good brand. I think I actually prefer the plant-based powder to a whey one because recently whey has been hurting my stomach. I'm usually not a chocolate fan but this was our only option, and it's actually pleasantly surprised me! The price was pretty good, too, we paid about $17 for this 2lb container. 

3. Hello Bistro

If I could have lunch every single day from one place and one place only for the rest of my life it would be Hello Bistro. I will tell you why: it's a salad bar with the most magical combinations of toppings you could ever want! Today I treated myself for lunch and this salad had romaine lettuce, tomatoes, mandarin oranges, green peppers, red peppers, beets, roasted brussel sprouts, roasted butternut squash, roasted beets, and I got a side of the citrus lime vinaigrette. There's tons of other options besides what I just got! And I mean tons! You can tailor it to whatever you need, and never get bored with the endless possible combinations! 

5. The Whole Dog Journal

At the risk of sounding like a huge nerd, I'm going to include this one on the list. I subscribed to this probably a couple months ago, and have learned so much! I'm the nerdy dog owner that takes my responsibility to my dog pretty seriously. I like to make sure I'm educated on not only training Layla but taking care of her, learning about her behavior, and making sure she gets the best quality of life that I can give her. I've gotten great training tips, nutritional information, behavior signals and their meanings as well as warning signs in terms of health stuff. The last issue actually had a really great article about dealing with your dog acting overly excited with guests, something that happens with Layla a lot! So, I always look forward to it coming each month because I love being able to learn more things about dogs! Animals truly fascinate me, and it's such a great experience raising Layla and learning how she ticks. Like I said, I know I sound like a huge nerd right now! 

Also, I just thought I'd share this little quote that I loved this week! Such a great reminder to get out there and enjoy life! Currently trying to live a life full of dark-chocolate-sea-salt flavor cuz you bet that's my favorite Dove chocolate square. But in all seriousness, I think we tend to forget how little time we have here on earth so it's important to make sure we're living each day to the fullest! 

Anddd I thought I'd just leave this little number at the end of this post! I just can't with that face! This morning she was being pouty (she's the master of puppy eyes) since I wanted to start my workout but she wanted snuggles and kisses. So, yes, I did postpone my workout for a bit while I sat on the floor and she put her head in my lap...every day this sweet dog manages to melt my heart! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! 

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