So we had a visitor staying with us the other week, Denver! I've talked about him before but just to refresh your memory he's the dog of Amanda's good friend who sometimes stays with us. All of her family live back home in Tennessee so when she travels, he comes to visit. Layla is of course always thrilled because the more the merrier plus she gets a play buddy for a week.
Now, Denver is by no means a bad dog buuuut at the same time he always makes me appreciate Layla so much more haha! It's just the little things that I take for granted with her such as not waking me up in the morning, being able to be off-leash, not counter-surfing, and answering all my commands. It just shows me how much she really has learned over the past couple years, and reassures me that even though I doubted what I was doing half the time (lolz) that I did put a lot of work into training her. Denver is a sweet boy and like I say he's not a bad dog but he's just a little rough around certain edges is all haha.
But, I always get him shaped up whenever he comes to stay with us because I've told Amanda there are certain, uh, quirks of his that I will not tolerate. Such as darting out the door as soon as you open it and nearly dislocating your shoulder by pulling on the leash. So, he learned (my way slash sort of the hard way) that he must be first invited out of the house and then has to politely wait right outside the door on the front porch for you while you shut the door. Something that I take for granted with Layla is that she will not automatically follow you out the door like when I'm trying to leave for work, and that she has to be told that she can come outside. Otherwise you can leave the door wide open and she'll just patiently let you leave.
One thing is for sure: these two make a cute duo! They're basically dating.
Denver definitely kept us busy for the week but I'm glad he came to visit.
I also came home to THE SWEETEST surprise from
Rachael the other week and pretty much sobbed tears of happiness reading her card. True story: it's propped next to my bed and every single time I see it or read it my heart explodes with love. The way God works never ceases to amaze me. Rachael definitely sent this to me just when I needed to read her sweet words. I'll keep it short on here but basically my calling for the future has me overwhelmed at (most) times, and it's taking a lot for me to keep my faith planted firm in God's plan. Also please note: 99% of the goodies are now gone haha!
This flavor by Wild Friends is ah-mazing! I put it in my strawberry zoats, and I have no words for how delicious it was. Thank you again Rachael!
Also, my friend at work introduced me to
Gaucho! It was actually one of the top restaurants named in 2015 or something, which I was surprised about. Pittsburgh is definitely stepping up it's foodie game! It's in the Strip District (I live right outside Pittsburgh) so my friend and I took a trip there. I can't even remember what salad I got but it was the king of all salads.
I mean this picture says it all:
It had grilled chicken (with some sauce that I can't remember but I wanted to buy by the jar), grilled asparagus, roasted red peppers, potatoes, slices of avocado, and some fresh greens and radishes. I got the half size and it was the perfect amount! Everything was so fresh, flavorful, and the price is extremely reasonable. It's kind of fast-casual dining, and the atmosphere was great with friendly staff. If you're ever in the Burgh I recommend picking up a meal at Gaucho!

My friend and I did a trail 5k last Saturday morning, which was a lot of fun! I've never done a trail run before and I'm not sure what I was expecting but I guess I wasn't expecting it to be so dangerous haha! There were tons of roots, rocks, and uneven hills. A lot of people actually fell and got hurt (nothing serious thankfully) but apparently bumps and bruises are perfectly normal during trail runs. That might have been my first and last trail run. I'm still glad that I tried it out, though, where's the fun in never trying anything new!

My family has been trying out a new church, and I'm soooo excited! I've gone there before several times with a family friend and I can't wait until I fully switch and call it my church! Layla and I took lots of celebratory selfies that I actually did my hair for once haha but as usual she got completely fed up with all the picture-taking! I swear she has the most expressive face in a dog that I've ever met. But, in my defense, look at that face. How could you not want to take pictures of her sweet face?!
...I may or may not but definitely have a whole album dedicated to her on my iPhone..
I've also been doing lots and lots of studying! But that's for another time and post ;)
In the meantime, I have a few other things in the works so stay tuned over the next several weeks! I promise that my bad blogging/frequent absence has to do with a greater purpose.