Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Favorites #19

Happy Friday everyone! Is it just me or has this week seem to drag and go on forever? My friend at work reminded me that the two previous weeks I only had four day weeks since I took a long Memorial Day weekend soo maybe that has something to do with it! Man, switching back to a five day week has been killer then haha.

So let's end this long week on a high note shall we with some good old fashioned Friday Favorites!

1. Tumaro's Wraps

I wish that I could find these at one of my usual grocery stores so when I get these wraps it's a bit of a treat! And then I promptly make everything I can think of with them and go through them in less than a week. If I was smarter I'd try to stretch them out and make them last longer but we all know that's not gonna happen. My favorite way to use them are in Strawberry & Almond Butter Wraps and Banana Wraps

2. "My Body Is" Buzzfeed Video

One of my coach's clients in our Facebook group shared this the other day and I think it's pretty powerful. So often in our group we can get discouraged, lose motivation, and just have days where we're plain frustrated with our bodies. But this video reminds me that why I do what I do is not to look a certain way. Sure, I love seeing muscles pop up that I've never had before but it's what about my body can do. The feeling of being able to pick up a heavier weight or decrease my mile time is so much more satisfying than say seeing a lower number on the scale. I love in this video how these athletes talk about their insecurities or what they've gone through but at the end of the day their bodies can do some pretty amazing things! That's what's important! It's not about what our bodies look like, it matters what our bodies can do. Athletics over aesthetics!

3. Kodiak Pancakes

I found Kodiak pancake mix at Target, and I was surprised since I didn't even realize it was sold there! I would always hear about this mix but it was kinda like a mythical creature to me to be honest haha. I would always hear about people talking about it, but never really saw it for myself. Then I stumbled on it by accident! I picked the protein power mix because #gainz obviously, and it did not disappoint! I can see why everyone raves about this stuff. It was super easy to make, and the pancakes come out perfectly every time. I top mine off with homemade almond butter and Walden Farms syrup. I might or might not have had pancakes for dinner most of the nights this week! 

4. Maui Coffee

Hands down THE BEST coffee I have ever had in my entire life. I'm not even exaggerating, and me and Amanda actually had to make a rule that we can only make this on Saturday mornings or else it wouldn't last! Rachael was sweet enough to include it in the package she sent us, and I will forever be grateful because this coffee is amazing. It's so smooth and never comes out bitter. I could actually drink this without any creamer which is something I used to do before I got sick off of Starbucks coffee. After that, the taste of black coffee instantly nauseates me since it reminds me of that time. Not with this coffee, though! I can't wait to have some tomorrow morning with my meringues! That's become quite a Saturday morning tradition now. Amanda and I were joking around that we might have to find out if we can bulk order this stuff, and when I say joking we were like really 95% serious. It's that good! 

5. Little Boy & Homeless Man at Waffle House

I'm sure most of you have heard about this story already has it's gone completely viral. I wanted to include it because usually I post a quote but I think this video and what this little boy, Josiah, did demonstrates what we're called to do every day: love on one another. The fact that this 5 year-old boy was able to show such depths of compassion is truly amazing. I love how he not only touched the life of the man, but also the other patrons in the restaurant that day. He was the perfect example of showing God's love, and brought everyone to tears as he sang the blessing. Jesus said that those with child-like faith will be the first to enter heaven (Matthew 18:2-4), and this young boy showed just that. When he saw the man outside the restaurant, it seemed simple to Josiah. The man looked hungry so he asked his mother to buy the man a meal. That's all it took. As adults I think so often we get used to over-analyzing/questioning things or finding new perspectives which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes the best thing to do is look through the eyes of a child.

What are some of your favorites from this week?

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